How Acupuncture Supports Seasonal Allergy Relief

Spring is right around the corner, which means that the grueling side effects of hay fever are coming along too. In order to prepare your immune system for the months ahead the best time to treat seasonal diseases is during the season before.  Even though your eyes may not be itchy yet and your nose is still not stuffy, early treatment now could help nip those nasty symptoms in the bud. It's go time!


How does acupuncture for seasonal allergies work? Clinical studies show that acupuncture can help regulate two chemicals that are triggered during allergic reactions- IgE and Cytokines. In addition, the powerful anti-inflammatory effects of acupuncture offer symptomatic relief by promoting circulation and reducing pain and discomfort in local effected areas. 

Furthermore, did you know that allergy flare-ups have been linked to stress? The more you stress, the more you sneeze! But you're in luck. Acupuncture can help reduce stress by stimulating "feel-good" hormones called endorphins, and balancing neurotransmitters.

If over the counter allergy medications cause you unwanted side-effects, and you're looking for a balanced way to help keep your body in check this coming allergy season, consider adding acupuncture to your health regimen. 

Call us at 732-889-9228 for more information!

It's all in the Gut: How Acupuncture Can Help Your Digestion

A healthy digestive system is a key ingredient for your overall health! Traditional therapies for digestive problems often involve the use of medications which can produce additional side effects. 


Frequent stomach aches & pains...

Should not be tolerated!

Acupuncture is a safe and effective tool to naturally treat various digestion problems. Some of the most common digestive orders we treat in our office include: 

  • Constipation
  • Ulcerative Colitis 
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • And more!

How does acupuncture work on the digestive system?

The main goal in treatment is to increase circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote nourishment and movement in the related organs. The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture as an effective treatment technique for digestive issues. 

Questions about how acupuncture might be able to help you?

Call us at 732-889-9228 for a free phone consultation!

How to Manage Holiday Stress

The holidays can be a stressful time for many. Whether it's keeping up with family demands, trying not to eat every last holiday cookie, or simply not feeling like you have enough time to get everything done- this time of year can put a lot of stress on the body leaving us vulnerable to getting sick and stressed out. 

snowman zen.jpg

If you are depressed you are living in the past.

If you are anxious you are living in the future.

If you are at peace, you are living in the present.


- Lao Tzu

So how can you stay healthy and stress-free during the holiday season?

1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an excellent way to help you feel grounded, centered, calm and relaxed. Eastern medicine likes to think of acupuncture as a way to keep bodies moving and free of pain. In Western medicine, this can be described as releasing feel-good endorphins. 

A typical acupuncture session lasts about 1 hour, in which you will have 30-40 minutes to relax, take a nap, and get some time for yourself while your body heals. 

2. Yoga & Exercise

Many of us hold tension right in our muscles. Have you ever been stressed out and felt your back give out? Studies have proven that yoga is a wonderful way to release tension and get our bodies back into alignment. It also offers us the opportunity to do some self reflection and put our minds at rest. We like to think of yoga as a type of moving meditation. 

Exercise is also important to keep our bodies fluid and moving. It is a great way to release endorphins, tension, and keep our systems running at their optimum potential. Even a short 30 min walk during the day has been proven to contribute to overall better health. 

3. Meditate

This is a common theme throughout many of our posts, however, its importance cannot be understated! Take 5 minutes for yourself daily to breathe, collect your thoughts, and focus on the present moment. Check out some inspiration for the best meditation apps here.

How Acupuncture Can Help Your Sleep

In the sleep series Part 1 we discussed a few tips on how to better manage your sleep. Part 2 will discuss acupuncture's role in helping to regulate sleep. 


Clinical research proves that acupuncture plays a beneficial role in sleep quality. How does an acupuncture treatment achieve this?

The first step will be identifying what's causing you to have bad sleep in the first place. For many people this could be: stress related, digestion related, medication related, environmentally related, etc.  

A thorough intake will help us reveal what's going on internally. Once the "root" of the issue is identified, a unique treatment plan is developed to meet your body's needs. 

So what happens when your lying down and relaxing with the acupuncture needles? Acupuncture stimulates the parasympathetic response of the body, thereby promoting our essential "rest and digest" function. The parasympathetic nervous system promotes relaxation and general feelings of calm and well being.  

In addition, by focusing the treatment on the root cause of the sleep disturbance, we can address the culprit and treat it so that the pattern of bad sleep does not continue. 

Furthermore, research shows that acupuncture increases natural melatonin secretion and reduces anxiety and insomnia. Those patients who participated in the study and received acupuncture were able to fall asleep faster, were less stressed, and felt less awake at night.  

The positives?

Acupuncture does not require the use of any drugs or medications that could have potentially harmful side effects. Your body will be led to self-regulate itself, helping to prevent the unhealthy sleep triggers to happen in the first place. 

Want to know more about acupuncture? Check out some of the most frequently asked questions.

How Sleep Can Affect Your Health and What You Can Do About it: The Sleep Series Part 1

Raise your hand if you've ever hit that 3pm slump? As your eyes become heavier, and your gaze slowly creeps toward the coffee machine.... 


How many hours of sleep did you have the night before?

Sleep is essential for proper brain activity. When we hit the pillow and drift off into a deep restful state our body is recharging for the next day ahead. 

Countless studies prove that a good night's sleep can improve your learning and enhance your creative and problem solving skills. When we have a good night's sleep we can pay attention more clearly and make more sound decisions. 

Lack of sleep takes a toll on our system, going so far as to alter brain activity. When we're sleep deprived we can act irrationally, have a tough time making decisions, forget things, and can even become depressed or anxious. 

The solution? Get more sleep and get better sleep.


  1. Make a bedtime routine: Having a ritual beginning 30-60 minutes before hitting the sac can help start the process of calming the mind and preparing for rest. Try listening to classical music, doing a simple guided meditation, or reading a book. Each of these activities should be done separate from your bedroom so that your bed becomes exclusively associated with sleep. 
  2. Put down the phone, shut off the TV:  Electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, and TVs emit blue light, which studies prove interfere with your sleep cycle.  Try limiting your time on electronic devices as your bed time approaches. If it's simply not possible to cut them out all together, try lowering the brightness or adjust the blue light settings which can be accomplished through some some electronics.  
  3. Eat two to three hours before bed: Maintaining a healthy diet can help greatly improve your sleep quality. Avoid sugary, caffeinated, spicy, or acidic foods too close to bed time. 
  4. Meditate: Research continuously shows the powerful impact that meditation has on our stress, clarity, and sleep quality. Crafting a daily meditation habit will help you stay focused, relaxed, and present throughout your day. Not sure where to start? Check out some of the best meditation apps of 2017.

Beginning with these 4 tips can help start a positive shift in your sleep routine.

How can acupuncture help with sleep function?

Stay tuned for The Sleep Series Part 2