How to Manage Holiday Stress

The holidays can be a stressful time for many. Whether it's keeping up with family demands, trying not to eat every last holiday cookie, or simply not feeling like you have enough time to get everything done- this time of year can put a lot of stress on the body leaving us vulnerable to getting sick and stressed out. 

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If you are depressed you are living in the past.

If you are anxious you are living in the future.

If you are at peace, you are living in the present.


- Lao Tzu

So how can you stay healthy and stress-free during the holiday season?

1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an excellent way to help you feel grounded, centered, calm and relaxed. Eastern medicine likes to think of acupuncture as a way to keep bodies moving and free of pain. In Western medicine, this can be described as releasing feel-good endorphins. 

A typical acupuncture session lasts about 1 hour, in which you will have 30-40 minutes to relax, take a nap, and get some time for yourself while your body heals. 

2. Yoga & Exercise

Many of us hold tension right in our muscles. Have you ever been stressed out and felt your back give out? Studies have proven that yoga is a wonderful way to release tension and get our bodies back into alignment. It also offers us the opportunity to do some self reflection and put our minds at rest. We like to think of yoga as a type of moving meditation. 

Exercise is also important to keep our bodies fluid and moving. It is a great way to release endorphins, tension, and keep our systems running at their optimum potential. Even a short 30 min walk during the day has been proven to contribute to overall better health. 

3. Meditate

This is a common theme throughout many of our posts, however, its importance cannot be understated! Take 5 minutes for yourself daily to breathe, collect your thoughts, and focus on the present moment. Check out some inspiration for the best meditation apps here.