
Insomnia? Anxiety? Palpitations?

You may have heard the concept of blood thrown around in talking with an acupuncturist. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), blood is a concept, and not the physical substance of what westerns know as blood.


What is Blood in TCM?

Quite simply, blood means nourishment. It is the “substance” which keeps our muscles, hair, organs, eyes, and skin healthy. It also provides a calm and grounded space for our minds.

Blood can easily become deficient as we get older, get more stressed, and generally have less time to care for ourselves. Physically loosing a large amount of blood can also cause blood deficiency. Some of the most common symptoms experienced when blood is deficient include:

  • Dull, pale skin

  • Pale lips and tongue

  • Dry skin, hair and nails

  • Fatigue

  • Dizziness

  • Numbness or tingling

  • Poor memory

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety

  • Palpitations

However, blood deficiency is most commonly caused by improper nutrition. In this case, it is easy to work on nourishing your blood by incorporating the right foods in your diet.

What are the best foods for blood deficiency?

Dark green, leafy vegetables that are rich in chlorophyll are very important to nourish the blood. Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants their green color and helps them make energy from the sun. Chlorophyll is excellent for improving skin health, and wound healing.

In addition, red meat is especially important for nourishing the blood. High quality, grass fed meats are best and are rich in iron and protein. Protein is a key component in maintaining healthy blood. Plant sources of protein that are also good for blood include: beans, lentils, soy, nuts, and some grains.

Here are our top picks for the best foods to nourish the blood:


  • Kale

  • Beets

  • Leafy greens

  • Spinach

  • Watercress


  • Apricots

  • Cherries

  • Dates

  • Figs

  • Goji berries

  • Grapes

Beans/ Soy

  • Adzuki beans

  • Black soy beans

  • Kidney beans

  • Tempeh

Animal Products

  • Beef

  • Bone broth

  • Bone marrow

  • Eggs


  • Cuttlefish

  • Mussels

  • Octopus

  • Oysters

  • Sardines

  • Squid

Herbs and Spices

  • Parsley


  • Micro-algae (chlorella, spirulina etc.)

The Importance of Eating Habits

In addition to consuming the right foods, it is also important to establish healthy eating habits. Sitting down to enjoy a meal is something that many of us neglect due to busy schedules. Eating slowly and mindfully plays a very important role in the digestive process. Take your time to properly chew your food, and always eat in a relaxed atmosphere.

Furthermore, it is ideal to cook vegetables lightly to retain most of their vitamin content. Steaming and stir frying are ideal. Meat should be cooked slowly, which makes it tender and easy to digest. Soups and stews are an excellent way to get your vegetables and meat in a delicious and easily digestible manner.

With a little more focus and attention on what you eat and how you eat, your blood can be nourished, leaving you feeling healthy, alert, and void of any blood deficiency symptoms.

Acupuncture and Blood Deficiency

Acupuncture can help to stimulate and nourish the blood by regulating and supporting the systems involved in blood production. Contact us to learn more!

Acupuncture for Golf

Getting ready to hit the links?

 2019 Golf Pre-Season

Acupuncture Treatment Plan


 Benefits of acupuncture for golf include:

 Increased rotational flexibility… it’s all in the hips!

Increased range of motion

 Loosening of tight muscles

Increased Focus

Increased Presence and mindfulness

Decreased stress

Booking now for the 2019 Pre-Season

Pre-Season plan consists of 3 or 6 specifically tailored treatments for optimizing your body & mind for the upcoming golf season. Limited availability.

Appointments available Monday - Saturday

How Sleep Can Affect Your Health and What You Can Do About it: The Sleep Series Part 1

Raise your hand if you've ever hit that 3pm slump? As your eyes become heavier, and your gaze slowly creeps toward the coffee machine.... 


How many hours of sleep did you have the night before?

Sleep is essential for proper brain activity. When we hit the pillow and drift off into a deep restful state our body is recharging for the next day ahead. 

Countless studies prove that a good night's sleep can improve your learning and enhance your creative and problem solving skills. When we have a good night's sleep we can pay attention more clearly and make more sound decisions. 

Lack of sleep takes a toll on our system, going so far as to alter brain activity. When we're sleep deprived we can act irrationally, have a tough time making decisions, forget things, and can even become depressed or anxious. 

The solution? Get more sleep and get better sleep.


  1. Make a bedtime routine: Having a ritual beginning 30-60 minutes before hitting the sac can help start the process of calming the mind and preparing for rest. Try listening to classical music, doing a simple guided meditation, or reading a book. Each of these activities should be done separate from your bedroom so that your bed becomes exclusively associated with sleep. 
  2. Put down the phone, shut off the TV:  Electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, and TVs emit blue light, which studies prove interfere with your sleep cycle.  Try limiting your time on electronic devices as your bed time approaches. If it's simply not possible to cut them out all together, try lowering the brightness or adjust the blue light settings which can be accomplished through some some electronics.  
  3. Eat two to three hours before bed: Maintaining a healthy diet can help greatly improve your sleep quality. Avoid sugary, caffeinated, spicy, or acidic foods too close to bed time. 
  4. Meditate: Research continuously shows the powerful impact that meditation has on our stress, clarity, and sleep quality. Crafting a daily meditation habit will help you stay focused, relaxed, and present throughout your day. Not sure where to start? Check out some of the best meditation apps of 2017.

Beginning with these 4 tips can help start a positive shift in your sleep routine.

How can acupuncture help with sleep function?

Stay tuned for The Sleep Series Part 2