What is Cupping?


Many patients inquire about cupping and want to know more: Is it for me? How does it work? What does it feel like? Here's a quick summary about cupping and whether or not you may be a candidate. 

1. Cupping is one of the oldest forms of Chinese Medicine. Glass suction cups are used over the skin to create a vacuum, which pulls the skin to the surface. Drawing the skin to the surface is thought to open the pores, which thereby stimulates blood flow, breaks up adhesions, and allows toxins to release from the body.

2. Cups are usually left on only for 5-10 minutes. They can be left in one place, or applied with a topical balm which allows the cups to slide gently over the surface, producing a massage-type effect. Many people think cupping feels like a type of deep tissue massage.

3. Cupping is considered safe when done by a trained professional. Some swelling and red marks are common where cups are placed. However, unlike traditional bruises, these are usually painless and only last a few days. 

4. Cupping is not just for muscle pain! It is commonly used to help the respiratory system drain phlegm and speed up healing time from respiratory illnesses. Feel a cold coming on? Cupping at the start of symptoms can help your body release pathogens before they enter deeper into the body. Digestive issues also respond wonderfully to cupping by helping reduce a patient's stress response, which is closely tied to digestive functioning. 

5. Not everyone is a candidate for cupping! We are all different and respond uniquely to therapy. When not performed by an experienced professional cupping can cause more harm than good due to improper technique, retention time, etc. Those with bleeding issues, skin conditions, or those who are pregnant should not have cupping performed. It is best to leave the decision to use cupping up to your practitioner to ensure that you receive the best care.