back pain

How Acupuncture Can Help Your Back Pain

Many of our patients have issues in their backs- lower, upper, middle- you name it! Whether it is muscular or structural, back pain is an extremely common, and often debilitating ailment. Traditional medicine often prescribes muscle relaxers or over-the-counter pain medicine to help with back pain symptoms. However, such treatments do not address the root cause of what's causing pain in the first place, and therefore symptoms do not go away.

"31 million Americans experience back pain at any given time. Low back pain is the single leading cause of disability world wide"-

How can acupuncture help your back pain? First, acupuncture helps promote circulation and helps to prevent or release muscles from become "stuck". A common technique used in back pain treatment involves releasing tight bands of muscle fibers that are causing pain and inflammation. Once these muscle fibers have a chance to relax, so too will your pain!

Furthermore, back pain can also be exacerbated by stress. Have you ever noticed that when you are overworked, overtired, and just feeling overall stressed out that your back muscles start to act up? In addition to working directly on the muscles, acupuncture promotes a deep sense of relaxation and calm. Less stress= less pain!

A healthy lifestyle is key to maintaining good spinal health. Call us at 732-889-9228 to see whether your back pain might benefit from acupuncture treatment!