
What are Trigger points?

Many patients have issues with tight muscles that just seem “stuck” all the time. No matter what they do, there is a constant restriction and stiffness that doesn’t seem to go away with stretching or other palliative care treatments.

The pain is often caused by “Trigger Points”. Trigger points are hyper-sensitive tight spots in taut muscle bands. They produce local pain and can also refer pain to a different area of the body.

Releasing Trigger points with acupuncture

Special acupuncture techniques can be used to release trigger points by stimulating the muscle to contract and release. When the muscle has the opportunity to do so, it can rest in its natural state, thereby increasing circulation to the area and decreasing pain.

Trigger point release is not appropriate for every patient, and its use will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Some excellent candidates for such type of acupuncture include:

  • Athletes

  • Patients with chronic pain conditions

  • Post surgical patients

  • Patients with a history of physical trauma

  • Individuals who spend many hours working at a desk/ computer

Only acupuncturists who are clinically trained in this technique should be performing trigger point release.

Please reach out to our office for more information.