Coughs & Colds

Coughs and Colds in Chinese Medicine

Colds, coughs, and the flu are usually caused by viruses that enter our body which then cause our immune system to react. This reaction sets off a series of inflammatory responses resulting in a runny nose, coughing, body aches, a sore throat, and more.  

Ancient Chinese doctors looked at environmental factors to be the cause of illness. The environmental factors of Chinese medicine are referred to as heat, cold, dampness, and wind. Chinese medicine theory believes that if these external factors penetrate into the body, illness will occur.  Have you ever gotten a runny nose from being outside and exposed to cold wind? You can think of that as an invasion of cold and wind entering your body, causing an inflammatory response.  

Traditionally, patients who presented with cold like symptoms were treated with massage, cupping, and other techniques to help stimulate the immune system and “drive out” the external pathogen.

It is still believed by Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners that treatment as soon as any cold or flu like symptoms occur can help stop the pathogen from lodging further into your system.

Acupressure for Cough and Cold Symptom Relief

In combination with acupuncture, rest, hydration, and healthy eating you can do some self-acupressure massaging at home to help with stubborn symptoms:


The points indicated above can help move any blockages in the nose and sinus cavities. Simply press and rub the points to help mitigate your symptoms.  The points are often tender with pressure.

Below, is another great acupressure point for helping with a stubborn cough is the acupuncture point KD 27. Massage gently to stimulate.
